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St FagansCW Primary School

Happy to love, learn and pray together
Hapus I garu, dysgu a gweddio gyda'n gilydd

Year 1

Welcome to Class 1
Croeso i Dosbarth 1


Thank you for working with us to educate your children.


PE is on Wednesday and Friday. On those days, children should wear their PE kit to school: white PE t-shirt, black or grey joggers, school jumper or cardigan, socks and trainers. 


I will be communicating with parents via Class Dojo.


We will be using J2e on the Hwb Virtual Learning Environment both in the classroom and at home. It would be very helpful if you could practise signing in to Hwb and using the tools in the Jit5 section of J2e. 'How to' videos can be found here:


The most important thing you can do to help your child learn is to encourage them to enjoy reading. Please spend time reading to them and with them, enjoying picture books and non-fiction, sharing poems and talking about the stories you read together. This will encourage them to become readers and read for pleasure, which has been shown to significantly improve academic attainment and wellbeing. 


Please take a  look at the Reading for Pleasure page, which I have added to the School Website in the Children section, for resources and tips about how to encourage your child to enjoy reading.
