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St FagansCW Primary School

Happy to love, learn and pray together
Hapus I garu, dysgu a gweddio gyda'n gilydd


Additional Learning Needs at St Fagans CW Primary School


Following ALN reform in Wales, the way children and young people with special educational needs are supported has changed. The Welsh Government passed new legislation called the Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal (Wales) Act [2018], and Additional Learning Needs (ALN) Code for Wales 2021, which replaced all of the legislation and guidance in relation to special educational needs. The act makes provision for a new statutory framework for supporting children and young people with additional learning needs (ALN). This reform is being implemented over a 3 year period which commenced September 1ST 2021.


At St Fagans CW Primary School, we work hard to ensure that our children feel safe, happy and ready to learn. We recognise that every child is unique and we offer a nurturing, caring Christian environment which enables all children to thrive. Some children may need additional support at times. This is usually in the form of additional support in the classroom but may be delivered through group or individual support outside of the classroom.


Support available to all children is known as ordinarily available inclusive practice. This is the use of high-quality teaching, differentiation, visual resources and other resources in the classroom that children can access independently. It may also include additional support from teaching staff. Ordinarily available inclusive practice can be used to provide additional support to develop communication and interaction, learning, behaviour, emotional skills, social skills and sensory and physical development. If appropriate, specialist support may also be sought from external agencies such as the Educational Psychologist or Specialist Teachers from the Local Authority.


Some children will need support that is additional to and different from support available through ordinarily available inclusive practice. A child who over time, is not making progress despite accessing ordinarily available inclusive practice may be investigated to determine if they are identified as having Additional Learning Needs (ALN) and whether they will require Additional Learning Provision (ALP). If a child is identified as having ALN and requiring ALP, the views of the child, parents/carers, school and any professionals involved will be collected during a Person Centred Meeting and recorded in a document called an Individual Development Plan (IDP). Parents/carers should contact school if they are concerned that their child has ALN.  Should parents/carers not agree with the decision of ALN or no ALN, they can appeal to the Local Authority who have 4 weeks to respond.


Within the new ALN Code the definition of ALN includes:


  •  A child has a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age
  • A child has a disability for the purposes of the Equality Act 2010 which prevents or hinders them from making use of the educational facilities generally provided for others of the same age in mainstream maintained school or Further Education Institute.

Mrs Herbert, our Additional Learning Needs Coordinator (ALNCo) will be happy to discuss any queries or concerns with you. Please contact Mrs Herbert on the school email address.

Further information about the ALN reform and what this means to parents and learners can be found on our website or visit the ALN section of the Welsh Government website:





The Index


The Index is Cardiff’s voluntary register for children and young people with disabilities or additional needs. Working alongside a range of support services and professionals, it ensures that families of children and young people with disabilities or additional needs are kept up to date with information that is both relevant and beneficial to them. In addition, it assists the planning and co-ordination of services supporting those children, young people and their families.


You can sign up to The Index if you are:

  • A parent / carer of a child or young person aged 0 – 25 years with disabilities or additional needs resident in Cardiff
  • A professional working with children and young people 0 – 25 years with disabilities or additional needs

To be included on The Index the child or young person must:

  • be aged up to 25 years
  • have a diagnosed disability, be in the process of diagnosis or have confirmed ongoing additional needs

Once signed up to The Index you will receive the Index e-news – regular emails providing information about services, activities and events.

Index Cardiff

ALN Funding Information for Parents

ALN Parent Reference List

SNAP Cymru Information and Advice

Dyslexia Guidance
