Applications for nursery school places are now open and parents with children who turn three between September 1 2024 and August 31 2025, can now apply for a part-time nursery place to start in September 2025.
Please complete the form below and return directly to the school.
Reception 2025-26
Thinking for applying for Reception 2025. Why not come along to our open day on 28th November 2023 at 1.30pm. If you would like to pop along please complete the link or scan QR code:
Application system opens on Monday, 11th November 2024.
Deadline for Reception 2024-25 applications Monday, 13th January 2025.
Reception 2024 - Late Applications
Late applications will be processed after the initial round.
All late applications must be made directly with the St Fagans CW Primary and not the Cardiff County admissions portal.
If you wish to still apply past the deadline date, your application will be considered as a late application.
Please email to request a late application form.
If you would like your child to be placed onto our waiting list please send details of your child's date of birth, address, contact numbers and current school/nursery please complete contact form below:
If you would like to express an interest in receiving an application form please fill out the contact form below. INFORMATION REQUIRED: NAME OF CHILD, DOB, ADDRESS AND CONTACT NUMBER.