Welcome back to the Summer Term
A few quick reminders for you...
You only need to bring a labelled water bottle (water only please and no squash), packed lunch if you are having it in a labelled lunch bag, snack if you would like it and your coat. You do not need to bring a school bag as the cloakrooms are not big enough to store these.
Red reading bags are to be brought in every day and the children need to remember to ask to change their books before they bring it home again.
PE days are Tuesday and Friday. The children can wear their PE kits to school on these days (plain black joggers/leggings/shorts in warmer weather, PE top or plain white t-shirt, trainers). Please ensure they are wearing no jewellery or if the children are unable to remove earrings, these are covered. All hair to be tied back please.
School times for Year 3 are...
Doors open at 8.45am and school begins at 8.55am
School ends are 3.30pm
Home Learning
For our home learning I will be setting a maths game and there will be spellings each week to do at home. I will put details of these on Dojo.
I am on the end of Dojo and email if you need me.
I will continue to add other activities and websites you could visit as I come across them.
RE & Worship
Please visit our school Worship Page for further ideas on how you could worship together at home.
We have a new webpage in the children section of our website which is all about developing Reading for Pleasure. On the webpage you will find links to websites and book recommendations as well as St Fagans Story Time.