We are trying to make consent forms/permission slips as easy as possible for our parents/carers.
This year we are using Microsoft forms to collect this information.
These online forms work on all devices and should be a lot less time consuming for parents/carers.
Thank you
The reason we collect this information and how we use this information is outlined in our Privacy Notice which can be found on our website under Schools Privacy Notice.
Leave of Absence Form 2023/24
Please complete the form link below to submit a school absence.
Prescribed Medication Request Form 2023/24
Please complete the form link below and send all medication to the school office (unfortunately medication cannot be accepted if this form has not been completed).
Prescribed medication form 2024/25
The reason we collect this information and how we use this information is outlined in our Privacy Notice which can be found on our website: https://www.stfaganscwprimary.com/