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St FagansCW Primary School

Happy to love, learn and pray together
Hapus I garu, dysgu a gweddio gyda'n gilydd


Reception Class -

School Closure Home Learning Tasks


I hope that everyone has had a good week and that you are all continuing to stay safe and well.  It has been lovely to welcome the children back over the last two weeks but also sad that we have come to the end of their year in reception and have missed so much time in class with them.  Home learning will continue to be posted and this week we are thinking over our memories from the year and the transition up to year one and any worries that the children may have.


Due to the continuing time away from school, if you have any queries related to the home learning tasks or would like to share any of the work completed, please remember that you can use my hwb email address (which is given on each week's pdf) or dojo during this time to contact myself.


Please click on the links below to open a pdf with home learning tasks on for each week of the school closure (excluding school holidays) as well as other ideas for the children's continuous learning. The home learning sheets for the week will be uploaded either on the Sunday night or the Monday morning of that week. 


Have a great week. smiley


Thank you for all your support over the last few months especially in taking on the role of teacher at home.  We hope that you have a wonderful summer.


Take care and stay safe. 

The Reception Team

Miss Asquith.

Reception Class - School Closure Home Learning Tasks - W/C: 23.3.20

Reception Class - School Closure Home Learning Tasks - W/C: 30.3.20
Reception Class - School Closure Home Learning Tasks - W/C: 20/4/20
Reception Class - School Closure Home Learning Tasks - W/C: 27/4/20
Reception Class - School Closure Home Learning Tasks - W/C: 4.5.20
Reception Class - School Closure Home Learning Tasks - W/C:11.5.20
Reception Class - School Closure Home Learning Tasks - W/C:18.5.20
Reception Class - School Closure Home Learning Tasks - W/C: 1/6/20
Reception Class - School Closure Home Learning Tasks - W/C: 8/6/20
Reception Class - School Closure Home Learning Tasks - W/C: 15/6/20

Herman's Holiday By Tom Percival

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Reception Class - School Closure Home Learning Tasks - W/C: 22.6.20
Reception Class - School Closure Home Learning Tasks - W/C: 29/6/20


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Still image for this video
Reception Class - School Closure Home Learning Tasks - W/C: 6.7.20 
Reception Class - School Closure Home Learning Tasks - W/C: 12.7.20

The Worrysaurus By Rachel Bright and Chris Chatterton - Read by Miss Asquith

Still image for this video

Accessing j2e for the Pictogram Task


Below are two links to videos made by Mr Wallace on how to access j2e using your Hwb log-in details.  In order to create a pictogram with your child for one of this week's maths tasks, you will then need to click on jit5 on the launch page.  Jit5 will then take you to a new page where in the top right hand corner you will see a choice of tabs to choose from, click on the pictogram tab and you can begin exploring with your child to create a pictogram of your child's choice.  The children are familiar with using this so should quickly become confident with accessing this at home too.

Reading For Pleasure


Please go to the 'Reading for Pleasure' page on the school website to find some fun reading challenges created by The Open University to try at home together.  You might want to try and complete some during half-term if you are well and able to do so. smiley

Dojo Portfolio


***Sorry that was the wrong link - I have now changed it.***


Here is the link to the video on how to use Dojo portfolio as promised  It is a really good way of keeping a record of the home learning your child has been doing and I can see it and leave comments.



Miss Asquith

Bluebirds From Home Festival


Cardiff City FC have planned a home festival for next week (15th - 19th June) with lots of fun activities to try.  If anyone is able to and would like to have a go, I have posted each day's activities below to be used as you find most helpful.  If you try any of the activities and are able to, please share on social media using the handle @CCFC_Foundation and #BluebirdsFromHome.





Please visit our class worship page to read about how you could carry out worship at home and for more activities. smiley

Croeso i Dosbarth Derbyn!
Welcome to Reception Class!


We hope that your child is enjoying their time in reception class at St Fagans Church in Wales School. We have been enjoying getting to know all the children and learning all about them ready for the busy year ahead.  Below is some key information about the class but we will also send reminders and messages using the dojo app so please keep checking your notifications.  




The class teacher in reception class is Miss Asquith and the LSAs are Miss Parsons ( Tuesday to Friday), Mrs Sharp (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday) and Mrs Wilkinson (Thursday and Friday).  Mrs Dowers is also in class supporting at various times during the week and Mrs Parfitt teaches the class on a Tuesday afternoon when Miss Asquith has her PPA time.  We will be using Class Dojo to update you on a more regular basis so please check your notifications.




Our School Christian Value for this half-term is thankfulness.


Please talk to the children about what thankfulness means to you in your family and perhaps ask them to share what we have talked about in our class worship sessions and during assembly with you.  You might like to spend some time talking with them about what they are thankful for and then saying a simple prayer together thanking God for these things.

All About Me

 Our topic for the start of this half-term is called All About Me; we will be thinking about our families, how we have changed since we were babies, our favourite things and even what we would like to be when we grow up.  If you haven’t already, please can you remember to send in a family photo and baby photo of your child so that we can use them in class to help with our topic. We will be carrying out lots of fun activities throughout in order to engage the children and help them with their learning. 



Snack Money

Snack money is 25p a day and so this half term is £9.50. Please can this be paid directly to class in a clearly labelled envelope. Thank you if you have already paid, if you haven't then please could we have it as soon as possible!


Dinner money is paid using the grouped website. Please can you make sure your child’s account is in credit before booking meals.


PE and Forest Schools

We carry out PE lessons on a Tuesday. Please can the children come to school in joggers and velcro trainers, NO jewellery please! If your child does have stud earrings then please can you cover them before they come to school. Thank you!

Forest schools also takes place on a Tuesday but on a fortnightly basis. The children can come to school in their joggers etc but can they please also come dressed in their wet weather gear and wellies. They will need to bring in a change of clothes including socks and shoes so that they can change after the session. If you could also include a carrier bag for any wet/muddy clothes and wellies that would be great.


Helping at Home

Please can you help your child to learn to do the following:


  • put their coat on and do it up
  • flush the toilet and wash their hands when they go to the toilet
  • dress and undress themselves e.g. jumper on and off, socks and shoes
  • recognise and correctly write their names
  • read their reading books and play word games with the words of the week
  • recognise, write and order numbers to 10 and then 20.


Have you seen the Kids' Zone? Play games, and visit some cool websites. You can vote for your favourites!
